Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis is about your personal, spiritual, mental and emotional growth, through consciousness evolution; as well as the establishment of the perfect light balance that will awaken the Light Being within. This evolutionary process is done once in your lifetime and is of a particularly vital importance during this time of change. The process enhances potential arts and talents and prepares the human for the big shift in the evolution of consciousness which is not avoidable in the circle of cosmic evolution.

Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis can enable humans to follow the changes that are occurring on the Earth and within ourselves. In Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis the procedure is strict, it is important that he/she activates very precise points and draws lines as they are defined, according to energy flow (axiatonal lines) and the vortex centres of energy (chakras) of the human body, using Tesla frequencies of energy, without physically touching the body.

This process is done once in a lifetime and it works with you for the rest of your life, re-establishing the healthy relationship with the Self. It is done in two sessions (1 hour each) in two consecutive days.
It is recommended to have 3 Tesla Healing Sessions prior to the Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis. Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis creates the uninterrupted flow of energy, the perfect balance of the frequency of light within the human body and elevates the energy consciousness level to a higher frequency.

Each person has a unique experience with Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis, but some of the most common responses are:

* Your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual development will be expanded to a higher level.
* You may have a greater capacity to give and receive love.
* Your talents and creativity could be liberated and enhanced.
* You may get a strong sense of life purpose.
* You might be released from fear and guilt.
* You might achieve a different perspective of values, which gives you inner tranquility.
* You may have a greater choice and confidence in decision making.

* Your consciousness might transcend the limitations of this dimensional level of consciousness.
* Some report changing job, changing partner, changing place where they live, always for the better.

This evolutionary process is done in two sessions (1 hour each) in two consecutive days (or not more than 48 hours apart). Though there is the potential for physical healing within the Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis, the focus is on aligning heart, mind, body, and spirit with planetary and universal wisdom and DNA.

Science has shown that less than 3% of our DNA is activated and that it is light-based messages that guide which DNA is activated. As starlight is the source of life on this planet, aligning with planetary and universal DNA is an opportunity to open to that source more fully.

Some clients who have experienced Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis have experienced a deep sense of peace that continues. Others have experienced shifts that align their lives with their 'higher purpose' that appear with grace and ease. And others have shared that they were no longer engaged in negative patterns or responses and more able to cope with previously stressful situations in a positive way.

Cited Source: www.teslametamorphosis.com

Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis
(Requires Two 1 Hour sessions on consecutive days)
Two Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis Sessions - $333